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Free Online Mini Course


Get a taste of what Inner Core can do for you with our free 7 Day Mini Course. (COMING SOON)



Inner Core takes you through a profound 6 month transformation from the comfort of your home.

It gives you the tools to dismantle years of disempowering mental patterns but that's just the start of your journey.

Inner Core goes further, much further.

It leads you far beyond the surface-level approach of conventional mindset training and into the deepest layers of the human mechanism because the activity of your mind is not just limited to the confines of your brain.

It is in fact deeply inter-connected with your body and this is where most of your mental functioning takes place.

The process is also energy-based.

It's controlled by the energy which breathes life into this human mechanism.

The way that you function both mentally and physically is not just down to the wiring in your brain, or your chemicals and hormones, it's primarily driven by the flow of life energy through your innermost layers and this is the process which Inner Core harnesses.

With over 40 videos, downloadable notes, and regular live-streams, Inner Core creates next-level results and brings you transformation of the most profound kind.


Develop unshakeable confidence

Dismantle limiting beliefs or mental blocks

Overcome fear and procrastination

Reduce stress and anxiety

Improve focus and concentration

Increase mental balance and resilience

Re-invigorate your body

Improve sleep quality

Set clear goals

Develop targeted action plans

Build and maintain momentum


Experience it for yourself with this free online mini course.

Once you discover your Inner Core, your life will never be the same again.



This mini-course is suitable for anyone over 16 years of age.

Training modules are emailed to you daily.

Each module consists of a video tutorial and downloadable notes.

All training material is yours to keep.

If you do not receive your first module within 5 minutes, please email us at [email protected].

We will never share your details with any third party.


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