Charanjeet Muttu
Charanjeet Muttu

My Story


I’d been studying mindset for over 25 years when it happened.

It was one sentence, in one conversation, on a cold winter's evening but it changed my life forever.

It turned everything which I thought I knew on it’s head and made me look in a direction which I didn’t even know existed.

Hi, I’m Charanjeet Muttu, founder of

Up to that point, like millions of other people I was a huge fan of personal development and over the years I had consumed many 1000s of books, articles, videos and courses.

I had a basic understanding of how my mind worked and I had a level of control over it.

Although I still had gaps in my knowledge, I had pulled myself through some pretty tough times.

You see, I had always wanted a life of excitement and adventure and for me I found that in entrepreneurship.

So that's the journey I had been on.

I had owned and managed businesses for over 30 years, and from having six figure debts and struggling to put food on the table to winning national awards, I had experienced many things.

Northern Ireland in the 1970’s had been an experience in itself but let me tell you about that evening.

As we sat in front of a roaring fire, my companion held my hand, looked me in the eyes, and asked me if I could feel the “energy” radiating from it.

It was a strange question.

I didn’t really know how to reply, and I half expected her to burst out laughing but she didn’t.

She was dead serious.

As I looked back at her like a dumb puppy, she realised that I didn’t have a clue what she was talking about so the conversation moved on, but what she said stayed with me.

I couldn't shake it and I grew more and more curious.

What was this “energy” she was talking about, why couldn’t I feel it, and what did it have to do with anything?

When I got home, I started looking for answers.

At first it was just online but theories and concepts alone don’t work for me.

I'm a logical person and I needed proof.

I needed something tangible, some form of evidence that I could see and feel for myself.

So, I explored further and further.

That was some years ago but that was how this journey started for me.

What I discovered along the way has completely shattered my concept of "normal".

It made me realise that far from being some abstract concept, our inner core of energy is the most fundamental part of our physiology.

It has been written about for 1000s of years and it's the single most powerful factor behind how we function, both mentally and physically.

This is what finally helped everything to click into place for me.

All of those questions, all of those gaps in my knowledge, the answers lay in understanding energy.

It has transformed my life completely and will do the same for you.

Once you discover your Inner Core, your life will never be the same again.



"Once you discover your Inner Core, your life will never be the same again"

Charanjeet Muttu